Saturday, 29 December 2018

Yeah, my certificate of birth. 51 years later today I still live in Penang.
老旧的出生纸。从出生到现在我还是住在槟城州, 仿佛离不开出生地。

Thursday, 15 February 2018

My parent's wedding in year 1959. The 2nd from the left of the back row was my maternal grandfather.
This picture was taken at our own wooden house; the house that I lived since my birth till year 2016.
(#1279, Jalan Tasek, Simpang Ampat 14120, Seberang Perai Selatan).


When I was 2 years old ( 1969), sat on a wooden bench in front of my house.
2 mangosteens beside me; love it!

这是 我 所 有 的 最小时候的相片; 当时才两岁。

[今天是农历戊戌(狗) 年年初一]